Hotel Workout: 20 Minute Kickboxing Workout
Whether airlines can re-create the on-ground Wi-Fi connectivity experience for passengers is debatable, but whether passengers want and expect that level of connectivity is not, according to a panel of players in the infight connectivity field.
When passengers board a commercial aircraft that is Wi-Fi enabled, they expect to be able to stream videos and do everything they can do on laptops and personal electronic devices on the ground—and will complain when they cannot, sometimes to a global audience via social media, United Airlines IT director Jon Merritt said.
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Nine Ways To Step Up Your Business Travel Game
As the CEO of a quickly growing and venture-backed travel company, I’m on the road a lot. While jet-setting for work at first seems like a dream, the novelty inevitably wears off, and the annoyances and discomforts of airports and hotels become ever more magnified. From eating poorly to living out of a suitcase and dealing with those awful flight delays, it’s easy to get jaded and let your performance (or mood) suffer.
Are you ready to level up, business travelers? Through lots of trial and error, I’ve developed a list of ways to make business travel much more comfortable and enjoyable.
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10 Things You Need to Survive Business Conferences
You’re likely already traveling long distances for business conferences, it’s positively cruel to then be on your feet for 10 hours a day for three straight days. Of course, what can you do? You’re there to hustle, make connections, and close deals — it’s a competitive atmosphere.
However, you don’t need to feel completely burned out by day three. These simple products can help take some of the stress out of conferences and maybe make you feel a bit better by the end.
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