This Is Why Hotels Are Removing Minibars (and Desks and Closets)
Absurdly Driven looks at the world of business with a skeptical eye and a firmly rooted tongue in cheek.
Hotels are having an identity crisis.
As technology wreaks havoc throughout society, and as Millennials decide their parents' lifestyle just isn't for them, hotels are tearing out their hair, wondering what on earth people want anymore.
Yes, they're just like parents.
The glib answer is that many hotel customers want Airbnb, because it's usually cheaper.
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Kennedy Airport Gets Speedier Security Screening System, TSA Says
Summer vacationers flying from Kennedy Airport Terminals 2 and 4 should clear security more swiftly due to new automation, the Transportation Security Administration said Wednesday.
Improvements include bins large enough to hold wheeled luggage, and automated rollers that carry them to be X-rayed, the TSA said in a statement with Delta Air Lines, which flies out of the terminals, and JFKIAT, LLC, which runs Terminal 4.
Security gets a boost as luggage also is photographed, assuring identification, while it is X-rayed.
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Laptop Ban Will Not Effect Flights From U.S. Airports
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will not be expanding its ban on electronics to flights departing the United States, it said on Wednesday.
While DHS has not decided whether to extend the ban to incoming flights from Europe, it is not considering expanding it to flights leaving from U.S. airports, either internationally or domestically, it said.
Representatives from E.U. countries requested last week’s meeting after becoming “alarmed” over reports of the ban’s expansion, the Associated Press reported.
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