Here’s How the CDC Will Track Viruses Over the Holiday Travel Season
If you’ve traveled overseas recently, you might have been greeted upon your return by people in a handful of airport terminals in the U.S. recruiting passengers to get tested for the COVID-19 virus. It’s been a surprisingly productive way to keep track of how much COVID-19 might be entering the country, via travelers, as well as which variants they are bringing in.
Just in time for the busy holiday travel season, the program’s operators, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Concentric by Ginkgo Bioworks (a Boston-based biotech firm), and XpresCheck, which recruits and tests the passengers, are expanding the screening to include viruses other than SARS-CoV-2.
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New Report: Exploring the Rise of Purposeful Business Travel
Amidst financial and geopolitical uncertainty, business travel demand is increasing due to a robust return to in-person corporate and industry events — even though a full recovery to 2019 levels may not be possible until 2024, according to Skift Research.
As the market continues to level out post-pandemic, business leaders are seeking a new status quo that balances business needs with social and environmental pressures.
“Demand for business travel is back, with forecasts indicating continued increases in business travel spend,” said Karelle Lamouche, chief commercial officer, premium, midscale, and economy brands at Accor.
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The Math Behind United Airlines’ Window To Aisle Boarding
United Airlines is re-introducing its WILMA window-to-aisle boarding process, which the airline says saves an average of two minutes per flight. This is not an insignificant savings. Ground time costs airlines an estimated $100 a minute. A $200 savings per flight, multiplied over the 4,900 daily flights the airline operates, means nearly $1 million in daily savings.
But is this boarding process the most efficient? Experts have conducted multiple studies to find the optimal boarding processes, and their findings differ.
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